Minggu, 21 April 2013

ANZAC Day - this Sunday

This Sunday is Rememberance day for the ANZACS.
Australian and New Zealand forces that were commissioned overseas in WWI, but more about that on Sunday's post.
The picture above is of our Shrine of Remembrance where the Sunday's Dawn Service will be held.

Melbourne - Our Home
Melbourne Our Home, where to now? After just leaving Paris before airports in Europe were closed due to the Volcano ash from Iceland, we wonder where our blog will lead us to. Interest in our three weeks in Paris was appreciated and the number of hits increased, so as well as our Melbourne posts, we will include a weekly post on our travels through France from 2006. After four trips to France, we might have enough stories to take us up to our next trip in a couple of year's time. It will be Sue's 60th and I will have further long service leave so all is possible.

The Reuniting Family
During the week I had an appointment in the city which took me past a group of statues that I'd previously taken an interest in but never had the camera with me. This time I had the Canon in the pocket and snapped these.
The theme of the statues is of the husband and father welcoming his family to Australia after he had secured employment and a place to live. It was common for the bread winner to migrate to Australia and make a new life after WWII. He would save enough to establish himself and finance his family to follow later.

I tried to get an experience of how this family must have felt after being apart, possibly for several years by taking the photo over the shoulders of the husband and then the wife. He carries flowers in one hand while in the other he has his hat. The smallest child may not remeber his father, being born not long after he left for Australia. He seems a little afraid or shy.
I assume that mother and children have just walked down the gang-plank from the ship as they put their feet on the soil of where their new life would now be - Melbourne.

Recently one of our followers suggested that she would like us to post blogs of "just our day to day normal life" in Melbourne. Such things as home, food, wine, etc. We know that from the blogs we read, that we find these subjects of interest as well. Maybe its a bit of voyeurism in a way, but a after awhile these bloggers become cyber-friends and that's nice.
We are happy to accept any suggestions should you like to know more about Melbourne.

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