Jumat, 26 April 2013

A Long Weekend

This is our second weekend after returning from our trip to France and it has given us a chance to relax, well that is until we made a list of house jobs and added a little entertainment to the mix as well.
Just as well that we had a long weekend due to Sunday's ANZAC day. I was keen to get the outside in order with lawn mowing, weeding and pruning, that is between a few rides over the long weekend.
Autumn brings variable mornings. Saturday was quite warm where Monday's ride was quite crisp needing long finger gloves and warmer clothes for my morning ride.
After the warmish Saturday morning ride, I was instructed to be home by 10ish but I will let Sue tell you the rest of our Saturday's experiences.

The slate plates
I have been interested over the last couple of trips to France, particularly in the south, to have been served both entrees and desserts on slate tile plates. I have determined to do the same thing for here and finally got round to it this weekend. After a few rather awkward phone calls to slate tile outlets, I found a company that were helpful. Leon and I made the trek there this weekend and this is an example of the outcome! Even found this one complete with fossil. They were large tiles which they cut for me and I bought some rubber stick on dots to put as feet on the underside. Happy me!
The Entree
Prawns quickly marinated in garlic, chilli, lime rind and oil, then chargrilled and served with sweet chilli sauce and a lime cheek.  A very Australian starter. Looked great on the slate though. Tasted OK too.

The salad...was a salad

Sorry Sue, It was so inviting that I forgot to photograph our main course until we finished it.
 I don't know anyone that doesn't like lasagne, especially when the weather turns a little cooler.

Dessert...back to the 70's with chocolate mousse with a strawberry and a little crisp biccie.  Never out of date really. All washed down with a French sticky.

This tree started as a stick, a mere twig in its infancy. I transplanted fit rom the front yard to this semi-circle space near the garage and it went crazy. Every year I need to cut it back so it doesn't take over the back yard. In full leaf it is a great tree offering shade in summer and a home for nesting birds out of harms way.

As you can see I have been influenced by the French savage pruning of trees. Sitting in a French rural village, sipping on your expresso, trees in the square all have this type of pruning. Our tree may not be of the same breed but it brings back memories of our travels. Isn't that all matters, really?
 Our "stick" needs savage pruning as it grows unrestrained as is starting to lift some of our paving. I must attend to the paving next weekend.

Our lime tree has gone over the top this summer with a fantastic crop. Our Tabby cat Rosita (Rose really, but Rosita suits) enjoys the sunny Autumn afternoon.

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