Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

The Languedoc - returning to Saint Chinian

It was time to move on from Provence - We had seen some amazing sights and had some great experiences and we could have brought you more however due to our lost photo files, its really hard to explain these experiences.
It was time to return to the Languedoc region again. In 2006 we had a wonderful week in Saint Chinian and this time (2008) on our way to the Lot, Dordogne and the Loire, we wanted to renew our memories.
With only two nights in a very average "motel" the days were a delight. It was shame to spend the nights in this dreadful sub-standard accommodation. (Tell us what you really think Leon).....
The early mornings were delightful, crisp, clear and the start of spring. The terrain around Saint Chinian is both hilly and flat, full of vineyards and small if not minute villages. Larger cities are not far away such as Narbonne and Carcassonne.
Sue looks down the small channel that runs through Saint Chinian. We stayed further up the hill that leaves the village. Its not a place that we would recommend staying at, however there are some very delightful villas worth a week stay.

My early morning rides in the Saint Chinian area were memories I will always cherish. Clear blue skies, criss-crossed with the trails of international jets on far away destinations. Cycling allows you to be away on thoughts of your own. Its good for the soul.
Our first day was relaxing in Saint Chinian and revisiting familiar sights. Walking the streets and laneways was a little like walking back to your childhood past, except that in Saint Chinian, nothing had changed.

The wine growing district surrounding Saint Chinian is wide spreading with the variations being great.
We've tasted some lovely light Rose and also some very full bodied reds. Their not as well known as the wines of Burgundy, Bordeaux or Cahor. They are worth seeking out.

This is where we stayed in 2006 - lovely villa and great hosts.
If ever you are there, I couldn't recommend a better place or better hosts.

We can't wait to talk to you next Wednesday and tell you about our day in Narbonne. Have any of you out there been there before?

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