Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

Readings books Port Melbourne

Yesterday I had an appointment with a cycle shop wanting embroidered caps as a promotional give away. That's what I do to fill in my working week. Its a job I enjoy because of the people I meet and the places I go. How good is that?

Well after this appointment, I was strolling back to my car, enjoying the sunshine and the views of Bay Street, Port Melbourne when I came across a branch of my favourite book shop, Readings. I remember buying books and records from them during the 70s.

In I went and before I had a chance to start wandering, I spied four books to do with Julia Childs. Now if you have seen the Meryl Streep movie, Julie and Julia, you'll know who Julia Childs is.
I'm not going to delve any further other than to say Sue & I loved the movie and also have enjoyed some of the utube segments of her. What a character she was.

After leaving Readings with these two books under my arm for Sue, I thought "nice area for a future blog". Port Melbourne has some wonderful early architecture combined with luxury apartments. It's become rather trendy these days where in the past it was very seedy with hotels almost on every corner. Maybe next weekend I'll take another stroll down Bay Street with Sue.


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