Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

Saturday Song - Tina Arena

Tina Arena
I posted about Tina last Saturday and she is the first feature of Saturday Song.

She's an Australian Diva - she started on a TV show called Johnny Young's Young Talent Time.
Her family came out from Italy, well her father did and then married her mother by proxy while she was still at home in Sicily.
Tina is a most incredibly talented person who is well recieved in France - her life partner is French.
I have a few of her CDs but only recently have I discovered her history - watch this marvelous clip from our local program - Rock Wiz. If you follow the links you may find more duets from Australian artists, OR you can wait until I post more on Saturdays.

Our local ethnic station SBS broadcasts programs from all over Europe and Asia as well as local. They recently have produced an Australian series on "Who do you think you are" and last Sunday they featured Tina Arena. It was incredibly moving. If after watching Tina sing and you would like to know more about her ancestory (it explains a lot about who she and her family is) then go and get a cup of tea, sit down and enjoy the program, but have a box of tissues beside you.

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