Senin, 08 Juli 2013

Astounding Moon

Early this year we saw the stageshow Poor boy starring Guy Pearce. The script was written by Tim Finn from Split Enz before joining his brother Neil in world aclaimed Crowded House.

In a recent solo CD, Tim released a beautiful song called "Astounding Moon".

Leaving the office Tuesday night, I couldn’t miss a full moon hiding behind the tall city buildings as I drove home.
As the buildings started to level out, the moon had lost its shyness and exposed itself against a clear dark sky.
On arriving home, my first thought was to rush inside to get the camera and capture its brightness against the criss-cross branches of our gum tree.

Will I use available light or hit the gum tree with the flash. I did both – you be the judge.
This mornings 6.00 am ride was freezing with ice on the car when I threw my leg over the bike to meet my friends.

Surprisingly we had a good number to enjoy our “after-ride” coffee with.

But Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, it was bloody cold.

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