Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

Pet Party at Debbie's

I'd like to introduce our little dog, Kelly.
Actually she made her debut on my blog back
in March when I linked her up to a portrait photography party. 
But now that Debbie has given all us pet owners
the chance to brag about our "family members,"
I can totally bore you with her life story!

She's an adorable miniature schnauzer.
Her markings are considered black and silver...
but it's really black and white.
She just turned 3.

She was the runt of her litter...we picked her out of 
a picture posted on our breeder's website.
The day we brought her home I gave her 
a bath in my kitchen sink.
She still fits.
She is the best girl when she is getting her blow-dry!

Isn't she beautiful?

When it's just the two of us at home she follows
me around most of the time.
Sometimes she gets tired though and 
crashes for a little nap.

She was a great cure for the very serious ailment referred to as Empty Nest Syndrome.

Here are my 2 daughters...one had the nerve to grow up.
The other will always be my baby.

(I looked for a picture of Kelly with my son but couldn't find one.
I'm sure I'll hear about how I left him out.)

This is where she sits on nice days after about 5 p.m.
She is waiting patiently for her dad to come home.
You just wouldn't believe the production we go
through when he walks in the door.
Whining, jumping, barking, howling...you name it.
Let's just say she's happy to see him!

I never wanted the responsibility of a pet
when my kids were growing up.
Honestly, we were gone so much it would
have been mean to put a dog through all
those hours alone.
We got Kelly at the exact right time.
To say she has enriched our lives
is the understatement of the day.

Linking to Debbiedoos for her Pet Partay!

Click the hydrangea on my sidebar
to enter my giveaway.

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