Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

Pierre Deux Knock Off

About every 3 months I receive a Pierre Deux catalog.  It is such a treat to sit down and oogle at all the beautiful Country French items.  Everything from


to furniture...

to accessories.

The only problem is that everything (well almost everything) is SO expensive.
Honestly, $225 for a pillow?

I always look to see if there is something...anything I can afford.  To be fair, there are some things that are affordable.  Mostly small accessories.  But this is what caught my eye this time.  It's called
"Lavender in White Anduze"

It retails for $165.00

So here is my knock off. 

I started with this:
Old silk hydrangeas and lavender in a black urn.  If you look closely you can see the cobwebs 
and dust on the leaves!

First thing I did was pluck the leaves off the hydrangea stems.  They went into my kitchen sink.

I washed them with dish soap and dried them on my counter.

Next was the lavender.  It was a little dusty as well so I sprayed it with this:

The lavender brightened right up.  Too bad it didn't smell anymore.  

Then came spraying the urn.  I used this:

It's a little hard to see but it's Heirloom White. 

Here is the new and improved urn...

In went the lavender.  Next I put a row of overlapping leaves around the stems of the lavender.

After that all that was left was putting more leaves around the top of the urn...
I sort of folded them to make them look like the leaves in the inspiration picture.

Here is the finished product.

I so wish I could have gone outside and gathered some fresh green leaves.
But here is the view out my front door.
I don't think so...

Not one green leaf in sight.

So here they are once again.

The real Lavender in White Anduze

And my knock off

This project was basically free.  Everything I used I already had.  I imagine that even if you had to go purchase everything, it could still be done for way under $165.00.

Have a great day!

Linking to
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Somewhat Simple's Strut Your Stuff Thursday
Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home

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