Sabtu, 02 November 2013

Goodbye Monticchiello

Friday October 20, 2006 was our last full day in Monticchiello. Rather than rushing out to discover more of the surrounding sights, we decided to just enjoy what has been our home for the last week. It was a home in many ways to us. Since this first trip we have always organised other week long stays during our travels. Spending a week in one place allows you to appreciate your surroundings, meet people and treasure the memories in later years.

We sat in the cafe to just enjoy our local surroundings for the last time before leaving for Venice.
From the diary:
A restful, rainy day that we used to hang around Monticchiello and recharge our batteries for the long drive to Venice tomorrow.
It has drizzled or rained all day and the colours of the hills are soft and subdued, but still lovely.
We packed and repacked our bags in an effort to take only one suitcase to Venice after leaving the car just to make it a little easier for our three day stay.

Although only a small village, small undiscovered areas would emerge.

We took a visit to the cemetary outside the village walls. It ocurred to me that the cemetary had a greater population than the village. Monticchiello can be seen at the top of the gates.
 Lunch was at the little bar down at the entrance to the village - We both had Crostini, Leon's with egglant and mozzorella, mine with pecorino and colonarata because I really didn't know what it was. (she's adventurous). The waitress said it was pork but really it was just pork fat.
With the usual coffee and nibblies, it was a pleasant experience with conversation with the waitress/owner and then with a group of middle-aged Irish walking group.
Later in the afternoon our host Barbara popped around with a warm doona as the weather had turned cooler. How thoughtful of her.

Why is it that cat's always seem to find the most comfortable spots to rest?
In return, we gave her our remaining tube of Vegemite to remember us by. Not sure it was to her taste but it's the thought that counts, isn't it?
Off to La Porta for dinner tonight to celebrate a week that will remain with us a lifetime.

Check it out here.
And don't forget to look at Barbara's Website.
Although not religious, Sue decided to light a candle in the church of Monticchiello for our son Andrew who was now safely in Moscow.

One last look at Monticchiello and hoping one day to return.
After a wonderful dinner at La Porta it was off to bed for the drive to Venice and another life experience to be remembered. Oh, yes and another minor drama but more about that next Wednesday. 

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