Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

Don't you just love weekends?

Don't you just love weekends - well us working people do.
Retired people may not know which are weekends or week days, a situation I look forward to.
Mind you, I don't want my life to go into fast forward. Please let it just flow slowly.
Having said that, this weekend like others has been filled with great stuff. And shouldn't they always?

Sue methodically selects her choices for our Veggie Garden.

My fantastic veggie garden bed in preparation for Sue's plantings

Yes, I know it might sound boring but I just love my Saturday morning rides. To experience an early morning ride with your mates along Beach road when Port Phillip bay is like a mill pond, no wind and you join many like minded cyclists is something I have never become sick of.
The sky was clear and yet the moon, a crescent in the cloudless morning sky gave us a welcome.

After my end of ride coffee, I arrived home to suggest to Sue we see Julie & Julia at the movies. Well after all I had some free tickets, didn't I. (Hey, big spender). What a great movie and Meryl Streep did a fine job of portraying Julia Child. Later Sue showed me some of the cooking episodes of Julia Child on You Tube.

The plantings lovingly positioned for planting. Will they survive - keep tuned in for future episodes.

On Sunday Sue asked me to build a veggie garden. With our youngest son leaving home, I had a spare wooden bed to build the garden surrounds from. The veggie garden is above the area where I buried my old mate Murphy. Well I should explain Murphy was a dog, an Irish Wolf Hound. He loved cherry tomatoes and would gently nibble a few as a treat on our past plantings. He was a great dog and it is fitting that the veggie garden is above his resting place. From this day it will be known as Murphy's Garden.

Our Murphy with his tinnie of Guinness - what else would an Irish Wolf Hound drink?

Off to the local nursery, Sue purchased the necessary requirements, bags of potting mix and a bag of chicken poo. Some further plantings to add to the tomato plants included capsicum, beans and zucchini were purchased.

At the end of the day, Sue had her veggie patch and we'll await the progress of her folly. After all she admits to not having a green thumb.

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