Senin, 19 Mei 2014

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references on resume. John Sheff#39;s Resume Pg. 2
  • John Sheff#39;s Resume Pg. 2

  • jellomizer
    Oct 23, 12:28 PM
    If Vista can run soley in a virtuallized environment without breaking the EULA, but not be installed on a machine that also is using it in a virtualized way. How does this affect anyone-(Mac or PC)?

    If I own a PC and I want to run Vista, why would I want to also run Vista, on the same machine, in a virtual environment?

    For Mac users, why would we want to install Vista-(via BootCamp) and then also use it under virtualization?

    What situation is there that you would want to run the same OS on the same box, one natively installed and one in virtualization?:confused:

    Very confused about how this affects anyone?

    Well it is an issue on who you want incharge. For example If I am doing some web development I may want to virtualize Vista to insture the page renders correctly in IE 7. Then switch back to my Mac Enviroment. But there are other times say I want to play a windows game I would want Windows to have full control. So I want to run it nativly.

    I think Microsoft wants to make sure you are not putting the same copy of windows on different virtual devices so you can have 10 Versions of windows from the same license. (ALthough it is on the same box)

    references on resume. RESUME. References
  • RESUME. References

  • briansolomon
    Apr 13, 03:08 PM
    If this happens I will be 100% surprised. I mean- look at the Sony TVs with Google. They're like $600 for a 24" TV. Does anyone own one of those? I just don't see this happening. Like the article says the market is overcrowded and the profit margins are too slim. Not very appealing for any company...

    references on resume. Resume of Frederick P. Jones
  • Resume of Frederick P. Jones

  • robeddie
    Apr 21, 09:24 PM
    I definitely disagree with you there. Many companies will remove features to differentiate their product lineups, and provide an incentive to buy high end products. Think Intel, could add hyperthreading and turbo boost to every processor they make for a relatively small cost, but they don't and disable features so they can market you an i7 or i5 instead of a 'lowly' i3. Think auto makers, many will offer a bigger engine along with many low cost trim upgrades as a 'sport' package. They could include all of those minor upgrades in the lower models, but they don't because it creates a stronger incentive to pay for an upgrade.

    With Apple, the biggest reason the macbook air doesn't have a backlit keyboard or 4GB of ram is to save costs to keep their margins up. Also it creates an incentive for people to buy a more expensive macbook pro, or pay $100 extra for the 4GB of ram. Plus, it gives them another selling feature if they decide to bring it back later. Remember when apple removed the buttons from the iPod shuffle, only to promote how great they are when they brought them back?

    If apple thinks that the savings they get by removing the backlit keyboard are greater than the lost customers/profits from removing it, then they are better off.

    All I'm saying is that if, in the event Apple, or ANY other company REMOVES once-standard features ... to later then call them 'luxary' features ... those companies deserve a big round of boos from us - the consumers. That's a pathetic and cynical way to try to goose sales for your higher end products.

    references on resume. Resume amp; References
  • Resume amp; References

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 14, 06:48 AM
    I the first iPhone is FAR from the original smart phone. First Smart phone that was simple to use. But far from original.

    Phones that are difficult to use are not smart.

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  • Resume

  • NickZac
    Feb 1, 09:18 AM
    MacRumors' forum - Politics, Religion, Social Issues

    I was just curious, because it seems as if it is a "different" person posting. Perhaps in a day or two we'll see you posting how your little sister or mom got hold of your MacRumors account and posted all kind of weird stuff.

    It has happened before.

    Anyway, on to better things�

    There are some things I am passionate about, and some things...oh forget it.

    This is like the 'Weird Al' rendition of the Political forum.

    references on resume. Letter of References.
  • Letter of References.

  • jtara
    Apr 14, 11:14 AM
    Interesting possibility. It would be extremely difficult to emulate a complete iOS device (custom ASICs and all). But Apple could emulate just enough ARM instructions to emulate an app that was compiled by Xcode & LLVM (which would limit the way ARM instructions were generated), and used only legal public iOS APIs (instead of emulating hardware and all the registers), which could be translated in Cocoa APIs to display on a Mac OS X machine.

    There's no need to emulate ARM instructions, though. And they already do emulate all of the complete iOS devices, at least sufficiently to run iOS apps on OSX.

    Apple provides developers with a complete emulation package for testing their iOS apps on OSX. Apps are cross-compiled to x86 code. They also provide the complete set of iOS SDKs, cross-compiled to X86 code.

    An emulator handles the device hardware - touchscreen, display, sound system, GPS (REALLY simple emulation - it's always sunny in Mountain View...), etc. If an iPhone or iPad are attached via USB cable, the emulator can even use the accelerometer and gyroscope in the device. Obviously, this could be easily changed to use some new peripheral device.

    Other than device emulation, the apps suffer no loss of speed, since they are running native x86 code. In fact, they run considerably faster (ignoring, for this discussion, device emulation) than then do on an actual iOS device.

    All Apple would need to give consumers the ability to run iOS apps on their Macs would be to provide them with the emulator (or, more likely, integrate it into the OSX desktop. I think end-users would find the picture of an iPhone or iPad that the emulator draws around the "screen" cute for a couple of days, but then quickly tire of it...), and add an additional target for developers.

    What we've seen certainly seems to suggest that's what this is. HOWEVER:

    1. For a single app to be compatible with both ARM and x86, they would need to introduce a "fat binary" similar to what they did with the transition from PowerPC to x86. This would bloat apps that are compatible with both to double their current download size. Current Universal (iPhone/iPad) apps are NOT fat binaries. They have multiple sets of resources (images, screen layouts, etc.) and the code needs to have multiple behaviors depending on the device. i.e. the code has to check "is this an iPad? If so do this...

    Currently, developers have to create separate binaries for use on the emulator or the actual device.

    2. Several developers have checked-in here to say that their apps are listed this way. None have offered that they had any advance knowledge of this, or did anything to make it happen. If this is about ARM/x86 fat binaries, the developer would have had to build their app that way. And even if it didn't require a re-build, I think it's highly unlikely that Apple would start selling apps on a new platform without letting the developers know!

    3. Apple is *reasonably* fair about giving all developers access to new technology at the same time. They also generally make a public announcement at the same time as making beta SDKs available to developers. (Though the public announcement may be limited in scope and vague.) There are so many developers, that despite confidentiality agreements, most of the details get out to the public pretty quickly, though perhaps in muddled form. While Apple DOES hand-pick developers for early-early access, it's typically not THAT early. A few weeks, max.

    I do think that an x86 target for iOS apps is inevitable. Just not imminent.

    My best guess is that this was a screw-up by the web-site developers. Perhaps they did a mockup of the app store for the marketing people, selected some apps or app categories that seemed likely candidates, and slipped-up and it went live on the real app store.

    references on resume. Resume of Mary Lee, page 1
  • Resume of Mary Lee, page 1

  • GuitarDTO
    Apr 30, 07:41 AM
    I don't buy from either of these any more after being introduced to (or any of the other 25 similar sites). 9 cents per song, or ~$.80-$1.5 per ALBUM. Quality 320 for most newer albums and 220-300 for older. Can't beat it.

    references on resume. to contact a reference,
  • to contact a reference,

  • dwd3885
    Apr 29, 03:26 PM
    With all the improvements made to Amazon MP3 lately, there really is NO reason to buy music from the iTunes store anymore. None.

    references on resume. FAR resume
  • FAR resume

  • ug.mac
    Nov 3, 10:25 PM
    i just finished installing xp sp2 on vmware works fine....

    just under device manager it tells me one unregonised hardware....the video card... any1 knows how to solve this?
    or is it part of the game

    You need to install VMware tools from Virtual Machine menu.

    references on resume. Resume, Cover Letter and
  • Resume, Cover Letter and

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 25, 12:40 PM
    matte screen option or fail.

    Given that the option is available for the macbook pro, I'd guess the imacs will get them.

    references on resume. John Sheff#39;s Resume Pg. 2
  • John Sheff#39;s Resume Pg. 2

  • mabaker
    Apr 16, 08:24 AM
    Uh please.

    Google has done a helluva lot to Android since they bought it. Android is unrecognisable now to what it was in 05. They have simply bought a brand name to get their product popular.

    In other words, you are talking rubbish sir. Stop accusing people of trolling, when they are simply telling it how it is.

    Google done HELLUVA work after Schmidt got onto the board of directors of Apple and got all the details he needed to copy every single thing?

    Google fanboiis fail to see the reality how it is. Truth hurts.

    references on resume. Quick reference for Read and
  • Quick reference for Read and

  • Avalontor
    Apr 28, 06:53 PM

    You want rip-off? Microsoft makes its billions charging hundreds for a 10-cent CD in a dollar's worth of packaging. So does Adobe. Where's your outrage?

    seriously? so does Apple, where's your outrage?
    how much is OSX again? maybe it would just be easier if you listed all the Apple software that is priced around $1.10

    references on resume. References Available Upon
  • References Available Upon

  • lordonuthin
    Oct 16, 02:52 PM
    To become a relevant team, we need to reach 250k units per day, almost double the current rate. We need 70 more iMacs/MacBooks or 5 8-core systems.

    You buy the mac pros and send em my way and I'll get em set up :p

    references on resume. References Format Resume
  • References Format Resume

  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Mar 3, 07:34 PM
    This thread made me puke a little in my mouth. The people in this thread who use a person's life as their own entertainment constantly commenting on his every move. Not surprising it's the same people who post the same inane judgements on just about every other celebrity.

    Now about that briefcase full of cocaine... :p

    references on resume. References
  • References

  • Psilocybin
    Apr 17, 09:12 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I will definitely not be moving to any laptop with intel 3000 gpu ever. Sticking with my MBA

    references on resume. Resume / References / YMCA
  • Resume / References / YMCA

  • stevegmu
    Jan 30, 01:57 PM
    How does one buy stock anyway? (from the UK)

    I have absolutely no idea on the subject, is it just a matter of buying a share at a couple of hundred dollars, watching Apple go through one of its "win" moments then selling it for a little profit ($50 or whatever) just as a starter? What about tax?

    You can trade online from an e-commerce firm, such as this one--

    references on resume. References available upon
  • References available upon

  • SMM
    Dec 3, 02:43 PM
    Judging by the progression in the poll numbers, looks like FUD is gaining traction.

    Does that surprise you, or is it just a comment? Right now, MS is in the highest stakes game it has been in for many year, maybe ever.

    The mighty giant has been pantsed. The cut-throat business practices of the past are not only well-known, but are also being scrutinized.

    MS does not have the best PC OS/Desktop and that is now a known fact by many.

    The business community, long a MS stronghold, has grown weary of paying predatory licensing fees for MS backoffice and the desktop. MS does not want to give this up. They want to keep their stranglehold on this market. Purchasing managers are taking a hard look at alternatives, like Apple. much is riding on Vista. it absolutely has to succeed for them. If after five years, with all of its' vast resources, Vista cannot beat OSX, Redmond's reputation, and credibility, is going to suffer badly. The floodgates may open. The wildcard is Leopard.

    MS could not delay Vista any longer. But, Redmond knows Apple has the last play. Steve just has to love the position he is in. MS has to play their hand and he can come in and trump it at will. At most, Vista could draw Windows even with Tiger, although most thing this is fanciful thinking on their part. MS is definitely scared by what is coming next (and when).

    So, we are going to see even more of this message board trolling and FUD. There are many obvious 'newbie' troll posts. But, I am also seeing some 'moles' trolling too. Some of them showed up many months ago and are now regulars. What they are doing is providing newbie support.

    The newbie comes on with a troll post, and bam, he gets a regular, or two to give legitimacy to the disinformation. The thread is off and running. Another tactic I notice is the thread subject troll. The subject line is written to be very negative, but then the first post is very much toned down, sometimes even apologetic, "Sorry for venting, I know this is rare...", that type of stuff. The damage is done and no one is aware it was a disinformation attack.

    The stakes are high and MS has been found guilty in court of doing the things I am describing. This is not the ranting of a paranoid. I happen to know a considerable amount about disinformation and the tactics involved. With a little work, you can see the same things. Look at the post history for those making anti-Apple posts. The critical eye can discern the inconsistencies in what they write.

    references on resume. for my resume, references,
  • for my resume, references,

  • santaliqueur
    Apr 22, 09:28 AM
    Corporations are evil.

    Evil? Corporations are the only reason we are able to have the internet, computers, cars, phones, televisions, movies, frozen food, high quality clothing, life saving medication, and countless other things you take for granted.

    But yeah, screw those guys.

    references on resume. References
  • References

  • IJ Reilly
    Jul 10, 04:09 PM
    A bit harsh, aren't you? They're supposedly integrating better search features into the next version of Pages precisely to improve the researching component of writing. So it's not like I'm the only one who thinks that Pages needs more to better compare to Word. As it stands, I'll give Pages a shot if I need to do something fancier than writing for MFA workshops.

    Plus, I save a couple of bucks.

    Pages isn't Word. It doesn't try to be Word. For those of us who use Pages every day, this is actually a good thing.

    As for being harsh, it seems like every time a thread on subject gets started, someone says Pages is only really suitable for newsletters, and not for "serious" writing. I find that most of the people who say this haven't gotten much past the template selection window. They see all those newsletter and flier templates and assume that this all Pages is good for. They've probably never created a template of their own and so are missing one of Pages' most powerful features.

    Also, it almost never fails in these threads that someone says they'd be using Pages today if it only had certain features that it already has. I don't know that it's being "harsh" to correct the record, but if that's what it is, then I guess that's what I am...

    Apr 25, 03:42 AM

    Seriously, CORPORATE AMERICA has got to go.. I am for the overthrowing of the Corporate COMMUNIST regime and restoring America to a country for the people and by the people, and not for big business and or corporations.

    Jan 30, 01:57 PM
    How does one buy stock anyway? (from the UK)

    I have absolutely no idea on the subject, is it just a matter of buying a share at a couple of hundred dollars, watching Apple go through one of its "win" moments then selling it for a little profit ($50 or whatever) just as a starter? What about tax?

    You can trade online from an e-commerce firm, such as this one--

    Apple OC
    May 1, 09:47 PM
    waiting for an announcement from President Obama on CNN live ... Osama Bin Laden is indeed Dead

    I wonder if he was found in Pakistan?

    Oct 18, 05:07 PM
    That nothing.
    I made 600 million profit selling lemonade on my street just last week.

    Oct 1, 03:41 PM
    i have a family plan with a 3G, 3GS and 2 cheapo phones. my wife and her parents came from Verizon. we live in NYC and no one ever complains about dropped calls. i've had a few from inside a converted factory building with very thick walls

    the most dropped calls i have are to my mom in colorado who has t-mobile. those drop on a land line all the time as well

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