Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

The Long Weekend

Friday night and the start of a Loooooooong weekend, Whahoooooo.

This the way we start our Friday nights - celebrating a weekend - this time a long weekend.
Figs, cheese, coffee and a desert wine.
Sue had the Champagne - well a sparking wine to start the weekend - it's a ritual...Did you know we can't call it Champagne any longer. A lot of Australian wines went by the name Burgundy, Hermitage and Chablis but the French put their foot down and told the New World that this wasn't allowed any longer. We then started calling our wines by the grape varieties as we don't have appellation districts.
So we call our wines, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot or for the whites, Chardonnay, Marsanne, Verdhelo and Sue's favourite, Sauvignon Blanc. I remember Penfold's flagship, Grange Heritage having to change its name to just Grange when the French got their knickers in a knot. It now sells at $400 plus a bottle and more for the earlier vintages.

I stopped off at our local JBs, which is a CD/DVD and anything sound system store on the way home. I have shares in the organisation, both in what I've spent there over the years and within my share portfolio. Sometimes I'm sure I can see the shop assistants rubbing their hands together and whispering, "Here's Leon again".
I walked out with two DVDs and two Cds. One of the DVDs was the US sitcom, Family Ties - I remember it fondly as I do with other TV series with strong family values. Strange how the world changes and how naive these shows seem today, oh and the acting is soooo bad.

It wasn't the way I remembered it!
Melbourne has had two days of summer, I thought it had moved on, but no. It was in the high 20s and low 30s and yet while I write this in the study, rain falls on the window.
The early weekend weather gave me a chance to do some home maintenance, isn't that all the time? I needed to replace some weatherboards on our 1929 Californian Bungalow home. I have to say that I was very impressed with the job to date.
 Saturday I pulled away the weatherboards that were rotting and decided what was needed. Sunday I bought the timber required and fitted the boards. I have to say that I might be turning into a regular handyman. Its also very therapeutic for me as I'm basically just a common office boy during the week.

Pulled the suspect weatherboards off - OK what's next...
Where else would you buy your materials with a slogan such as this?

The last stage before painting - I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself.
I'm hoping to splash a bit of paint on the wall tomorrow. Monday is a holiday and the long weekend would allow me to "almost" finish the job. It's not looking good as I hear and see the rain fall outside the study window.
It's raining out side the study window.
 While I was doing all of this, our son Mitch spent the day as a volunteer at the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival and brought home the "Masterclass Recipe Book" for his mum. I can't wait until she starts experimenting with the contents. Keep you posted.

Our son Mitch worked at the Melbourne Food and and Wine Festival this weekend and he brought home pressies for his mum - isn't he thoughtful. 

With one more day to go, it's been a great weekend in Mentone, Melbourne so far.

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