Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

The Sky is Crying

The Sky is Crying, look at the tears rolling down the street
a blues song by Elmore James.

I discovered Elmore James through John Mayall an English Blues enthusiast, and Eric Clapton. Why have I started this post with a blues song - Well, its true, the sky has been crying all down the east coast of Australia.

We were warned here in Victoria of a very wet weekend - it came early. As I was reading blogs, the rain came at 5.30 pm on this Friday night.
Let me say this is miniscule compared to what our northern neighbours have had to experience.
Over the 30 years that we have lived here, we have experienced our street becoming a small river once, maybe twice before and it was fun for our boys when they were in their pre-teen years. A swimming pool outside your front door can be exciting.
As I write this another bucket load is being emptied on our street.

This is at the end of our street - it's not the first time.

This is directly outside our home. Our house is a grand old lady built in 1929. She's sturdy and sits on good foundations. She lifted her skirts and so all is well.

Last night while watching the news, I was astounded by the level of destruction that Queensland is once again being hit by. Our Prime Minister has announced a flood levy on our taxes to help the needy. Our opposition oppose it. I guess that's what oppositions do, but when devistation hits your country, why do they try to take politcal points. This is not a basketball game. It's people in need!!!!

You can see the eye of Cyclone Yasi on the coasy of northern Queensland.

Up north, the cyclone tossed yachts around like cork tops.

From this news picture, it shows that our state of Victoria is in for a very wet weekend which started from the time I arrived in the door from work tonight.
 Anyway, on a lighter note, if we can have one that is, we love the rain. It fills the dams, it sounds good on the roof. Reminds me of the Lovin Spoonful song, "Rain on the Roof" but while we down south have a minor rainstorm, a thought needs to go to those who've lost homes and belongings with cyclone Yasi.

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