Senin, 10 Februari 2014

Pass it On...

Chrissy from Them and Us has passed along to me the Versatile Blogger award. 
Thanks so much!


Here are the rules:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.

2. Answer 10 questions.

3. Pass it along to 7 blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy.

4. Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award.

And the 10 questions are:

1. Why did you create your blog?
          ~My blog happened sort of by accident.  I was googling one day and up came Centsational Girl.
The more I clicked around her blog the more I thought "This is so something I could do."  So OK...maybe not like Kate right away.  But when I started blog hopping my thought was "These people are like me."  I had a lot of free time on my hands even though I work full time.  It's been good for me and I have loved the learning process.

2. What kind of blogs do you follow?
          ~Mostly the DIY blogs.

3. Favorite brand of make up.
          ~Estee Lauder

4. Favorite brand of clothing.
          ~I would have to say a tie between Talbots and Land's End.

5. Indispensible make up product.

6. Favorite color.
          ~Oh gosh.  Right now gray.  It's the new black.  :o)

7. Favorite perfume.
          ~White Citrus from Bath and Body.

8. Favorite movie.
          ~Another tie.  Sense and Sensibility (the Emma Thompson version) and Pride and Prejudice (the Keira Knightly version.)

9. What country would you like to visit and why.
          ~I would like to go back to the UK.  I went there a few years ago when my son was in a study-abroad
program.  We spent our time in London and a few days in Scotland.  I would love to go back and see the English countryside...the places in the books by Jane Austen and Rosamunde Pilcher.

10. Would you rather forget to put mascara on one eye or forget blush on one side of your face?
          ~The mascara for sure.

Now to pass along this award...

Alison at Classy Columbus Designs
Stacey at Embracing Change
Janet at Cottage Blessings
Amanda at My Heart's Desire
Kasey at Little Brick House
Kim at Okie Chic
Heather at What It's All About

Thanks very much!

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