Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014

How to make a Heart Wreath...Easy!

Well Hello...I'm home today sort of snowed in.  Since it's February 1 I thought I would get in the mood for Valentine's Day.  So here's a wreath that's easy peasy.

Start out with a grapevine heart wreath.  You can find them at any craft store.  I think grapevine is the easiest form for wreaths...they are sturdy and when you stick items into the wreath many times they stay without any wire.  Here's my wreath.

Next is what you need to make it beautiful.

I've got some pink berries, pink ribbon, wire and wire cutters.  Then I have some silk flower picks.  I got 10 picks and they were $2.99 each.  I got them at JoAnn...they were 30% off and I had a gift certificate that I received as a Christmas gift.  Thank you Fritz and Carol.

I then put a hanger on the wreath.

All I did was take a piece of wire, wrapped a circle and connected it to the wreath.

Next step is laying out your design.  This is a pretty important step.  There is nothing worse than wiring a wreath and getting almost finished only to find out you ran out of flowers.  So here is my layout.

When you are happy with your design, start wiring.  Here is where I started...the bottom point of the heart.

Just take a piece of wire and wrap it around the wreath and the stem of the pick.  Here's a little tip...if you want to save your manicure, wear some lightweight fleece gloves.  Like these from Land's End.  They are thin enough to work in and really do a nice job of protecting your hands.

Here is one side of the wreath with the flowers wired on.

Now for the berries.  I didn't wire the berries.  I was able to just stick them in through the flowers and grapevine.  They were pretty secure.  If they start to fall off I can always wire them later.

Here's a close up of how the berries nestle into the flowers.

Now for the finishing touch.  I just love ribbon.  I use it in my decorating whenever I can.  The bow needs to be where the curves meet at the top of the wreath.  Cut a piece of ribbon longer than what you think you will need.  Lay the ribbon under the point at the top of the wreath and tie a bow.

I stuck some berries into the bow to tidy everything up.

That's it!  You have a beautiful, full wreath with dimension.  I like to use different shapes and textures when I make a wreath.  It makes the finished product more interesting.

Here it is hanging on my front door...which just happens to be red!

My front porch...snow and all.  I got the planters from my husband last year for my birthday.  They are from Frontgate.  I nearly fainted I was so happy!  I have the grapevine trees in them the early summer I will switch to ferns.

Oh the thought of summer...warm, sunny days...a garden full of color.  Hang in will be here before we know it.  Have a great day!

The Lettered Cottage

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